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Video Editing

Have footage that needs to be edited? Old film,VHS/ SVHS, DV?

The need for video editing is so vast, that is it impossible to list all the reasons. Many critical elements must be in place in order for the editing to be worth it however. Colors need to be correct, audio has to match and of course transitions must be undetected. NJ Best Video understands that your video will most likely be used for more than just personal use and it needs to be done professionally so that whether you are sending out an audition video, recruiting video, or a marketing video for your business, it will be impressive to all that view it.

What is Video Editing?

Video editing is the method by which video shots are edited or rearranged to create a new project. Editing is usually considered to be one part of the post-production process — other post-production activities include titling, color correction, sound mixing, etc. Most people use the term editing to describe all their post-production work, particularly in non-professional situations.

NJ Best Video will create an effective, entertaining video using creative editing techniques to capture and keep your audience’s attention. Whether it be a social, corporate, sporting event we have the techniques and creativity to satisfy your needs with music, effects, transitions and titles.

This video was produced for the opening to the World Youth Hockey Championships held at Hollydell Ice Arena in Sewell, New Jersey and Ice Works Arena in Aston, Pennsylvania. Past players who have now made their mark in the NHL also had their footage included along with all the participant’s team’s logos. After the tournament the same video was used to attract teams from all over the world for future tournaments.

Tested a canon 100-400mm lens at the beach in Point Pleasant, NJ. Lucky for me there was a good surfer testing out the waves on a nice March morning. Over 100 photos were taken then edited down to create a montage. Any event can be photographed then edited down with music and effects to create an entertaining video. Great way to create a video memory from still photos.

If you are an affiliate production company with a back log of unfinished work or a small business that would is trying to continually improve your online footprint, we can help get you save time and money. We will help you get caught up and keep your clients satisfied.

Reasons for Video Editing

There are many explanations for requiring the editing of a clip or entire video, and the desired result can depend on your editing strategy. You need to clearly define the editing priorities before you begin, which could include one of the following: delete unnecessary material. This is the easiest and most important editing function. Through simply getting rid of the flawed and unnecessary bits, most clips can be dramatically improved.

Choosing the best footage

It is normal to capture much more footage than you need and choose only the best material for final editing. You will often shoot multiple iterations (takes) of a shot and select the best one to edit.

Focused Objectives

Many videos serve a purpose like telling a story or providing information. Editing is a crucial step in ensuring that the clip plays in a manner that achieves this goal.

Improve Impression

Apply filters, graphics, audio, and so on. This is often the editing “wow” portion. Through adding additional features, you can boost most videos

Change the Emphasis

Adjust the video’s theme, pace, or mood A good editor will generate simple video mood prompts. Techniques such as mood music and visual effects may affect the response of the viewer. Giving a different “angle” image to the video can be customized to promote a particular point of view, convey a message, and follow an agenda.

If you have questions about our service or about your video, its format or would like to discuss your particular editing needs, feel free to contact me anytime.